Since the beginning of Lucy Project in 2014 these have been the main outcomes:
- POLITICAL FRAMEWORK: propitiating a national strategy on Palliative Care;
- INCREASE IN SUPPLY: creating an effective volumen in Palliative Care Resources;
- TRAINING: promoting the creation and development of a Palliative Care CV;
- AWARENESS: promotion of commitment to society aiming to care and support people atthe end of thier life.
In two years we have achieved considerable results, mainly focused on bringing together politicians, managers, professionals, associations, scientific societies and universities to work on the development of a strategy on Palliative Care. The project, according to NEWPALEX® Method, has created management models in the Health Promotion Entities (EPS) and Service Delivery Institutions (IPS) throughout the country. As a result, nearly 15 million people currently have access to Programmes and Resources of Palliative Care in Colombia.
These are the entities developing NEWPALEX® Method in Colombia:
EPS (Health Promotion Entities)
[ezcol_1half]EPS Sura [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Sanitas Internacional [/ezcol_1half_end]
[ezcol_1half]Coomeva Prepaga[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]SOS EPS [/ezcol_1half_end]
[ezcol_1half]Sura Póliza[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end][/ezcol_1half_end]
[ezcol_1half]Cafesalud EPS [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Savia Salud [/ezcol_1half_end]
IPS (Service Delivery Institutions)
[ezcol_1quarter] BOGOTÁ
UCP Presentes (**)
Salud en casa
Hospital de la Misericordia
Clínica Universitaria Colombia
Clínica 103
ESE Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
Oncólogos Asociados (**)
Incodol (*)
Salud en casa (*)
IDC Las Américas (*)
Clínica Somer
Astorga Clínica de Oncología
Clínica Vida
Centro Médico Imbanaco (*)
Fundación Valle del Lili (*)
Salud en casa
Clínica Sebastián de Belalcázar
Clínica Occidente
Funcancer (*)
Salud en casa
(*) Have achieved Favourable Report in NEWPALEX® Method implementation.
(**) Next to achieve the Certification in NEWPALEX® Method
Another Institutions
(Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Medicina)
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third]INC
(Instituto Nacional de Cancerología)
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end]UPB
(Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana)[/ezcol_1third_end]
The project was initially sponsored by Mundipharma Colombia.